Maps & directions

Use of mapping, Street View and direction data

Maps and directions are provided within the accuracy limitations of the technology used to provide such Maps, searches and directions. Maps, searches and directions are provided on an "as is" basis and Citypata is unable to warrant that the technology will return the most accurate or most convenient suggestion for any particular enquiry.

Map locations are based upon the gps location by our volunteers , location selected by firms and organisations whose details are accessed in performing a search. Location provides only a general location with limited accuracy. The provided location may not correspond with a true visitable address in respect of that person, firm or organisation. We recommends that users check the accuracy of the location with the person, firm or organisation concerned.

By using the service you agree that neither Citypata nor any of its employees, agents, or service providers shall be liable to you or any third party for any fine, traffic penalty, damages or other losses or claims arising out of or in connection with your use of the Maps, searches or directions.